
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Social Media Marketing Training- The Two Things That Everyone is Looking For in Social Media

Submitted by: Doug Firebaugh

When you think about it, there are only 2 things that people are looking for in Social Media. It does not matter if you are in real estate, mortgage banking, insurance, or even in marketing of some type. People are always looking for something.

You just need to make sure that you know what those things are.

Most people in the Social Media arena are progressive thinkers and progressive people. Most are ahead of the curve in the web 2.0 world, and most have a focus of being ahead of the pack. The early adopters of Social Media, which I am one, started on the Social media scene 5 years ago. There as not much there, but what was there, was used as best as it could be used.

People then, and people now, are still the same. They always will be. But in the Social media arena, they are looking for 2 things that will help them.

Help them feel better about whom they are. Help them feel better about what they do. And help them feel better about where their life is going. All people are in some way looking for that forward focus. That is why in the social scene, there are 2 things people seem to be seeking more than anything.

Only two.


Most people in Web 2.0 ville are looking for Connection. They want to connect with people, information, new ideas, new trainings, new events, new groups, new videos, but whatever they are looking for, they want to CONNECT.

Connection is part of the culture we grew up in. People in real estate understand the person want to feel emotionally connected to a house before they purchase it. People want to feel connected to a car before they decide to buy it. And people want to feel connected to something before they start building that bridge of trust with you. You must make an effort to connect in a way that they will respond to in social media.

IN Social Media Marketing, Connection is NOT Correction as so many people think. They are NOT looking to be told that their life is not any good, or is lacking. They are not looking to be told their home is too small for them. They want to Connect to something or someone that will make them feel better about themselves and where their life is headed. You do that in conversations on twitter, facebook, myspace, orkut, moli, LinkedIn, and the like.

They want to feel GOOD about a conversation with you, no matter the social network. They want to feel FOCUSED ON and Tied into a conversation that will help them feel more a part of something that can increase and enlarge their life and future.

CONNECTING with people is simply reaching out and taking their hand over the internet and letting them feel PLUGGED IN to something and someone that can help you connect to new possibilities and to new destinies.

THAT is simple and the truth. Keep the Connection authentic and real, and they will listen to what your conversation is about and start drawing closer to you and your message.

2) Elevation.

People want to feel like they are being lifted higher in their life. They want to feel like their life is going somewhere and means something. We all do. We all are looking for that special feeling that we are special, and as trite as that sounds, it is the truth.

What can you do to create that feeling that they truly believe they are walking on air?

Life them up by noticing something g they said that has helped you.

Compliment them.

Give them a kind remark about their efforts in what they are doing in Social Media.

Ask questions they might know the answer to show you appreciate their knowledge..

Send them new ideas on their passion.

Notice something about their conversation that you can totally appreciate and let them know about it.

Empower them with encouragement.

Thank them for learning something from them.


It will make them glad they talked to you in Social Media. And they will remember you the next message, tweet, or conversation. They will move from the Awareness stage, to the Appreciation stage in Social Media.

As a realtor, you will see that they can start to trust you, and even start referring possible clients to you as people they know are moving out or into - your area.

Remember- it is NOT what you said. But how you made them feel by Connecting with them and Elevating their hope and future in the Social media Marketing arena.


About the Author: Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at: http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_4.html http://www.passionfire.com

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=321171&ca=Marketing

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Top Tips About Advantages of Social Networking

It was once stated in a very influential book that a person is only as important as the people that he or she knows and the books that they read. While the latter only is used to refer to the book in question in which the quote was derived from the remainder stands true.

It is not a new concept either. A person who has the capabilities of channeling and socializing with others can make him or herself a very important person simply based on the people he or she knows. Yet, for some unknown reason, this concept has stood as an important backbone for any business person except for many people involved in online businesses.

Yes, the online world is a virtual one, but it is based on real-world concepts and while those usernames are virtual, they are none the less real people. So why would any person involved in the online industry look at socializing online any different from that of socializing in real life. It is after all a whole lot easier because you do not have to have good looks or charm to fit into the right circles.
Social networking websites are the key to developing an online person that coordinates with real life people; people who may or may not spend money to purchase something that you are promoting. The concept itself is not new at all either. Known as Web 2.0, social networking websites come in many different shapes and sizes. They include forums and blogs as well as many other types of websites. However, just as in the real world, special caution needs to be taken when using these social networking websites to your advantage.

Some of these websites have specialized terms of service which directly control the manner in which you are able to use their site to your advantage. You also have to remember that these are in fact real people so you cannot simply join a social networking website and expect to begin selling them something. If you do, they will consider you to be spam and your account will be closed.

You have to earn their trust. You have to show the other members that you are just like them and are an interesting person, even if you have to lie to do so. In the end though, as you become more and more trusted, you are given certain leeway which you will be able to utilize to increase your online income. If you have thought about the many advantages of social networks online but continue to pass on the concept, then you have no clue as to what you are missing. Give it a try and you will be amazed at the results and the increased income potential that you can generate online.

Article Written By: Admin 

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Facebook Page Versus Facebook Group - Instant Guide For Beginners

Submitted by: Melissa Kay

• Find out how groups let you be more private and exclusive on Facebook

• Check out which Facebook tool allows free and easy SEO

• Discover how pages enable you to track visitors easily and monitor your brand name on Facebook

“Which is better: Facebook page or group?” That is the question that constantly plagues companies who are just starting to dabble in the new era of social media marketing. It is natural to be slightly confused over the functions of both tools since they have overlapping features. But before we discuss their differences, let’s look at what exactly a Facebook page is and what constitutes a Facebook group.

Facebook page

Having a Facebook page allows you to specifically represent your business online. It will be visible to unregistered users and it is indexed, thus resulting in quick and easy search engine optimisation. A Facebook page also looks extremely familiar to a Facebook profile. You can add friends, pictures, and even have walls that fans can post on.

Facebook group

You can choose to have more privacy and exclusivity with a Facebook group. You can decide if it is open to a particular network or to everyone on Facebook, set permissions whether the group is open (anyone may join), closed (need administrator’s approval to join) or secret (invite only).

Now that you know the basic descriptions of these two tools, let’s look at their differences in terms of:

1) Personal interactivity

Based on size limitations and security features, Facebook groups are set up to allow more personal interaction. What is posted on a group page could appear on its fans’ walls, thus making it a more personal reflection of the fans. For example, when someone joins a group called “Vegans in Singapore”, it will reflect his or her belief in being a vegan and this will then be reflected in his or her profile wall.

A Facebook page, however, is simply seen as another person on Facebook, and it usually isn’t linked to the fans personally.

2) Google search engine optimisation

Unlike Facebook groups, pages are indexed to allow for search engine optimisation. This means that having a page may increase your ranking in external search engines. Engaging in the services of a SEO expert, however, is still the most effective way to go tops on external search engines.

3) Announcements

Administrators will be able to send inbox messages to the group members. On the negative side, groups only allow a maximum of 5,000 members. On the other hand, page administrators are only able to update fans through the page, which will then be distributed under the “Updates” section of the fans’ inboxes. There are no limits to the number of updates you can send or the number of fans you can have when it comes to pages.

4) User control

You have a much greater control over who gets to participate on your Facebook group. For example, a group’s permission settings allow you to restrict access to new members. Perhaps you prefer new members to be approved first before letting them participate in the current discussion. With a page however, you can only set restrictions based on ages and locations.

5) Applications

Since pages are much more similar to normal profiles and thus allow for the hosting of applications, this makes them much more personalised from this perspective. Groups do not have the capability to host applications.

6) Tracking

With a Facebook page, you will be given a tool to track how many visitors you have received thus far. You will then be able to gauge how successful you have been in building your company’s image on an online social media.

The verdict

On the whole, groups are perfect for organising on a more personal level and for a smaller scale of interaction. Pages are better suited for businesses and brands who want to interact with their consumers online. So first, figure out the objective of your company to go on Facebook. Then look through this article and find out which tool is best to achieve your objective. Although working with an internet marketing firm may bring you quicker gratification, being active on Facebook will still gain you some fans. After all, with more than 350 million active users on Facebook, it’s safe to say that choosing the right tool can definitely do wonders for your business.

About the Author: Melissa has 8 years experience working with companies such as HSBC, Bayer Healthcare and Packard Bell and is currently a web designer at Online Marketing Company - Conversion Hub. She is also a SEO consultant for a certified SEO company Singapore.

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=456028&ca=Marketing

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How to Use Twitter: Make Friends and Money With Twitter

Submitted by: Peter Nisbet

Making money with Twitter is not difficult, and while everybody wants to know how to use Twitter properly very few do. Yes, you can log on and tweet, but do you really know how to use it? Do you know how to attract the followers that you want, or how to choose the tweeters that you want to follow?

Most people are happy having as many followers as possible, but why are they following you? Why do people who don't have a clue who you are want to follow you? Unless you can answer questions such as these then you do not know how to use the site, let alone how to make friends and money from Twitter.

That's right - make money! It is possible to make money with Twitter by using it as it can be used, but you have to know how to do that. Twitter can be used to drive masses of traffic to your blog, Squidoo lens or website. There is nothing illegal about it, and Twitter will not throw you off: in fact they will welcome it. The reason for that is that the owners want it to be as popular as possible and to have as many Twitter users and followers as they possibly can get.

Part of that might be due to reported bids for Twitter from Rupert Murdoch, Apple and Facebook, and perhaps even Google: obviously the busier and more popular the site is then the higher its value. However, a lot has also got a lot to do with pride, and the more uses to which people can put the site then the less it will be known as a one trick pony, useful only for short tweets but nothing else.

If it becomes a useful means of internet marketing, and can be extended into a mainstream income earner, then Twitter will assume a new dimension and not only increase its value but also its reputation as a more solid WEB2 site and not just a bit of frippery on the periphery of real internet marketing entities. You can make money with Twitter, mainly by using it as a marketing tool to drive traffic to your blog or website. You can also use Twitter to send visitors to your MySpace, Facebook or YouTube pages and any other web presence that you have such as your Squidoo lens.

Anybody can do it, not only the experienced internet marketers, and if you have an idea that you can sell, or even a physical product that you want to promote, then there are ways to do that extremely effectively using the application - but first you have to understand how to use Twitter for more than just tweeting.

What you need is good professional instruction, not only on how to make friends and communicate, but also how to make money with Twitter. Not many are doing so right now, but if you feel that this is a growing medium, of which there is absolutely no doubt, then you must make sure that you don't miss the boat. You can use Twitter without spamming, and without annoying any of the other tweeters that use it.

In fact many might want to join you, since they will learn a lot more about this fabulous communications technique than they do right now. Once you understand how Twitter can be used to the maximum of its potential then you can pass that information on free if you want.

First, however, you have to understand the basics of Twitter. You might believe that you know all there is to know, but don't be silly! Nobody knows that, not even me, and I know a heck of a lot. Nevertheless there is still a lot to be learned, and you should start learning right now before you get left behind.

By learning how to use Twitter properly, you will broaden your outlook and enjoy tweeting much more, and if you know how to make money with Twitter when you need it, then these sudden expenses that come along will no longer pose problems. By combining the benefits of WEB2 sites such as Squidoo, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter you can create a marketing entity so powerful that you find it difficult not to make money.

About the Author: To learn how to use Twitter properly, and also how to make friends and money with Twitter, visit Pete's page at Twitter Traffic where you find out how to learn everything you need on video, and also how to make a start at making some pocket money for yourself

Source: www.isnare.com

Twitter For Musicians and Bands: A How-To Guide

By Ryan Gutierrez 
Part of the beauty of Twitter is that it can be many things to many people. As part of my effort to recruit as many people to Twitter as possible, I decided that I should write posts about how Twitter can be used in different situations. For example, of course you can just use Twitter to make plans with your friends, but the interactivity of Twitter can be very useful for people in all sorts of different professions. I'm going to attempt to come up with as many different uses for it as I can and I'm going to start with the one I feel (for better or worse) qualified the most to talk about: using Twitter to promote your band or music.

Your Fans Really Do Care What You're Doing
Believe it or not, if you've been making music for a while, you've probably accumulated a not-insignificant group of fans who are interested in what you do on a daily basis. These are the fans that download all your songs (whether you want them to or not), go to all your shows and buy all your t-shirts. Every band has these, no matter how long you've been around or how bad your music is. These are the people that you can cater to with Twitter. 

I suggest updating at least twice a day. Once when you get up you should post what you're going to be doing that day, whether or not it's related to your music, and once when your day is done to let them know how it went. Believe me, if Cedric and Omar from The Mars Volta or Daft Punk were on Twitter, you better believe I would be following them and would get super excited whenever they updated, even if it was just to let me know that they were eating a bowl of Cheerios. 

Promoting Your Shows
Twitter can be an extremely effective promotional tool because you can ask people to come to your shows on several different occasions. If you are booking a tour, I suggest updating on Twitter when the dates are finalized and linking to the posted dates on your web site. Also, the day before the show, as well as the day of, you can update reminding everyone to come out to see you.

If you have enough fans and followers, you could make them feel extra special by having exclusive shows or afterparties that you only mention on Twitter. Once your fans find out that you are having these secret events, they will start following you on Twitter, thereby increasing your reach. 

Take Requests
Since Twitter makes it so easy to interact with your fans, why not ask them what they want to hear when they come to your show? Maybe you've been neglecting to play an old fan favorite. Twitter is an easy way to find out what your fans want to hear, straight from the source. All they have to do is either direct message you or reply to you using the @ symbol.

Twitter-Exclusive Downloads
Say thank you to your biggest fans by giving your Twitter followers the heads up on exclusive new songs and videos. Posting a link on Twitter and NOT your web site says that you really value your fans enough to give them something special. Of course, once word gets out that you have a new song available for download, your non-Twittering fans will download it, but your Twitter followers will feel special because you gave them the heads up first.

Get Instant Feedback
Not sure if that hook you're writing is trash or gold? Post a clip on Twitter and if you have enough followers, you'll get instant feedback in minutes! Jason Calacanis, founder of Weblogs Inc. and Mahalo, uses it to get feedback on new designs for Mahalo. Sure, you could say that the fans should have no impact on the music you make, but if you want, you have an instant focus group that has your best interests at heart, wants you to succeed and would love to have you take their feedback into consideration.

Twitter-Exclusive Contests
This falls along the same lines as taking requests via Twitter, except it's more fun. You could create a contest in which they plug your new song or upcoming show in one of their updates and that enters them into a drawing where the winner gets free tickets to an upcoming show in their area. You get free promotion, they get to come to your show for free and their followers check out your new song. It's a win-win for everyone involved.

This is really just scratching the surface of how musicians can leverage Twitter to build their brand, increase their audience and get more people to hear their music. I'm sure as time goes on and more and more bands adopt Twitter the way they did MySpace, we'll see some really innovative ways to use Twitter, but these ideas should be enough to get you started. Good luck and follow me on Twitter!

Ryan Gutierrez is a technology expert, specializing in internet marketing. Visit his site at http://www.ryangutierrez.com. There, you will... (show bio)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/viral-marketing-articles/twitter-for-musicians-and-bands-a-howto-guide-447592.html

Friday, January 27, 2017

Youtube: Why It Is So Popular

Submitted by: Webhosting Reviews

Each year, it is seems as if something new appears on the internet. The problem is that fads, also known as trends, come and go. Although it is difficult for a particular internet activity to stay popular for a period of time, there is one that seems to be doing well and it doesn’t show any signs of fading. That is the use of online videos, namely YouTube http://www.barss.info

Online video websites are defined as online websites that post videos. Once a video has been loaded onto the website, it can easily be found and viewed by thousands, if not millions, of internet users. In addition to allowing internet users to view online videos, many video websites also give internet users the option to create, upload, and share their own videos.

As previously mentioned, YouTube is one of the most popular online video websites. In fact, it is so popular that when asked about video sites many individuals automatically respond with YouTube. Whether you have used the services offered by YouTube or not, you may be wondering what is so great about the site. What is it that makes millions of interest users view it, some on a daily basis. The answer isn’t as simple as you may think. This is because there are a number of different reasons why YouTube has become so popular.

One of those reasons were mentioned above, online video websites give internet users the ability to make, load, and share their own videos with the rest of the world. This is something that is literally amazing. Millions of individuals have a good idea or thought that they would like to document or share, but many are unable to do so without the assistance of YouTube. After you have created your own video, you can easily have it uploaded, often in as little as a few minutes.

In addition to being able to create your online videos, you can also view those that others have created. What is nice about YouTube is that they accept a wide variety of different videos, all on different topics, issues, and subjects. On YouTube, you can find videos focusing on pets, entertainment, sports, cars, and comedy. One of the few restrictions that YouTube has is that videos must be no longer than ten minutes. This means that you could enjoy a video while taking a short break at home or at work. It is also nice that you are not required to listen to boring advisements, as many other online video websites require you to do.

Perhaps, the greatest reason why YouTube is so popular is because it is free. Yes, free. This means that you can not only watch as many videos as you want, without having to pay a thing, but you can also make and share your own. Although YouTube is free to use, they do request that you register with them. This registration is also free. Despite being optional, the registration will give you access to other YouTube features, including the ability to rate videos that you have recently watched.

In addition to being free, YouTube is also popular because it is easy to use. You do not have to be an experienced internet user to enjoy online entertainment. With easy to use categories and search features, you should be able to find and watch online videos that peak your interest, without having to spending hours or even days familiarizing yourself with the website.

About the Author: YouTube: Why It Is So Popular

Source: www.isnare.com

How to SEO Your YouTube Video

Submitted by: Cedric P Loiselle

With YouTube being the most popular video website on the Internet, it's in your best interest to do everything in your power to have the best possible placement in its search results. On October 9th 2006, Google bought YouTube for 1.65 billion. With Google being the owner of YouTube, both search engines work the same way. Their robots read text. They are not intelligent enough yet to watch your video. This means the only way you can influence where your video will be in the search results is by entering, in the form of text, as much information as possible. You can do so by making sure to have a very descriptive title, keywords tags, and an excellent description.

Your title is the essence of your video's description. It describes in a few words what your video is about, therefore every word is important. For example, let's say you have a video about reviewing movies coming out this week. A title to avoid would be something like "New releases of the week". A more specific title that has more chances of being searched would be "Movies reviews - Iron Man 2, Superman and more". However avoid too long titles as people won't read them. Humans are lazy in general and will avoid reading as much as possible, especially on YouTube where people are used to watching videos rather than reading. It may seems rude to say such a thing, but it is actually a known marketing fact used by many companies in their marketing strategies.

The description, as the word itself says, describes the video content. Don't be afraid to enter as much information as you want. You can basically write a summary of your video's content. Let's take the same example as before, reviewing new movies. Your description should include every movie reviewed in the video as well as a summary of each of them. The more text your description has the better the chance of it being picked up by YouTube's search engine. Don't be too zealous though, you're not writing a book. A good trick is also to include the word "video" in your description. By including this word, you will also get a chance of your video being picked up by Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. For example, someone searching on Google for "Iron Man 2 video review" might stumble on your video in the search results.

Tags are equally important as the title and description. Making good tags does not have to be hard. The fastest, easiest way is using common sense. What keywords would people type in the search box when searching for your video? To continue with our movies review example, good tags would be the titles of the movies being reviewed (Iron Man 2, Superman). Also, the words "review" and "movie". You can also use a keyword generator available from multiple websites and add the most popular keywords related to your video. Don't add tags that are not relevant with your video as you will be flagged by other members and your account could be banned.

About the Author: Cedric Loiselle is an expert Internet marketer. He has been helping website owners get traffic to their website as well as improve their social network presence since 2004. You can buy views to get your videos noticed and improve even more your search engine's ranking. Visit http://super-traffic.com.

Source: www.isnare.com

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