
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Social Media Marketing Training- The Two Things That Everyone is Looking For in Social Media

Submitted by: Doug Firebaugh

When you think about it, there are only 2 things that people are looking for in Social Media. It does not matter if you are in real estate, mortgage banking, insurance, or even in marketing of some type. People are always looking for something.

You just need to make sure that you know what those things are.

Most people in the Social Media arena are progressive thinkers and progressive people. Most are ahead of the curve in the web 2.0 world, and most have a focus of being ahead of the pack. The early adopters of Social Media, which I am one, started on the Social media scene 5 years ago. There as not much there, but what was there, was used as best as it could be used.

People then, and people now, are still the same. They always will be. But in the Social media arena, they are looking for 2 things that will help them.

Help them feel better about whom they are. Help them feel better about what they do. And help them feel better about where their life is going. All people are in some way looking for that forward focus. That is why in the social scene, there are 2 things people seem to be seeking more than anything.

Only two.


Most people in Web 2.0 ville are looking for Connection. They want to connect with people, information, new ideas, new trainings, new events, new groups, new videos, but whatever they are looking for, they want to CONNECT.

Connection is part of the culture we grew up in. People in real estate understand the person want to feel emotionally connected to a house before they purchase it. People want to feel connected to a car before they decide to buy it. And people want to feel connected to something before they start building that bridge of trust with you. You must make an effort to connect in a way that they will respond to in social media.

IN Social Media Marketing, Connection is NOT Correction as so many people think. They are NOT looking to be told that their life is not any good, or is lacking. They are not looking to be told their home is too small for them. They want to Connect to something or someone that will make them feel better about themselves and where their life is headed. You do that in conversations on twitter, facebook, myspace, orkut, moli, LinkedIn, and the like.

They want to feel GOOD about a conversation with you, no matter the social network. They want to feel FOCUSED ON and Tied into a conversation that will help them feel more a part of something that can increase and enlarge their life and future.

CONNECTING with people is simply reaching out and taking their hand over the internet and letting them feel PLUGGED IN to something and someone that can help you connect to new possibilities and to new destinies.

THAT is simple and the truth. Keep the Connection authentic and real, and they will listen to what your conversation is about and start drawing closer to you and your message.

2) Elevation.

People want to feel like they are being lifted higher in their life. They want to feel like their life is going somewhere and means something. We all do. We all are looking for that special feeling that we are special, and as trite as that sounds, it is the truth.

What can you do to create that feeling that they truly believe they are walking on air?

Life them up by noticing something g they said that has helped you.

Compliment them.

Give them a kind remark about their efforts in what they are doing in Social Media.

Ask questions they might know the answer to show you appreciate their knowledge..

Send them new ideas on their passion.

Notice something about their conversation that you can totally appreciate and let them know about it.

Empower them with encouragement.

Thank them for learning something from them.


It will make them glad they talked to you in Social Media. And they will remember you the next message, tweet, or conversation. They will move from the Awareness stage, to the Appreciation stage in Social Media.

As a realtor, you will see that they can start to trust you, and even start referring possible clients to you as people they know are moving out or into - your area.

Remember- it is NOT what you said. But how you made them feel by Connecting with them and Elevating their hope and future in the Social media Marketing arena.


About the Author: Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at: http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_4.html http://www.passionfire.com

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=321171&ca=Marketing

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Top Tips About Advantages of Social Networking

It was once stated in a very influential book that a person is only as important as the people that he or she knows and the books that they read. While the latter only is used to refer to the book in question in which the quote was derived from the remainder stands true.

It is not a new concept either. A person who has the capabilities of channeling and socializing with others can make him or herself a very important person simply based on the people he or she knows. Yet, for some unknown reason, this concept has stood as an important backbone for any business person except for many people involved in online businesses.

Yes, the online world is a virtual one, but it is based on real-world concepts and while those usernames are virtual, they are none the less real people. So why would any person involved in the online industry look at socializing online any different from that of socializing in real life. It is after all a whole lot easier because you do not have to have good looks or charm to fit into the right circles.
Social networking websites are the key to developing an online person that coordinates with real life people; people who may or may not spend money to purchase something that you are promoting. The concept itself is not new at all either. Known as Web 2.0, social networking websites come in many different shapes and sizes. They include forums and blogs as well as many other types of websites. However, just as in the real world, special caution needs to be taken when using these social networking websites to your advantage.

Some of these websites have specialized terms of service which directly control the manner in which you are able to use their site to your advantage. You also have to remember that these are in fact real people so you cannot simply join a social networking website and expect to begin selling them something. If you do, they will consider you to be spam and your account will be closed.

You have to earn their trust. You have to show the other members that you are just like them and are an interesting person, even if you have to lie to do so. In the end though, as you become more and more trusted, you are given certain leeway which you will be able to utilize to increase your online income. If you have thought about the many advantages of social networks online but continue to pass on the concept, then you have no clue as to what you are missing. Give it a try and you will be amazed at the results and the increased income potential that you can generate online.

Article Written By: Admin 

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Facebook Page Versus Facebook Group - Instant Guide For Beginners

Submitted by: Melissa Kay

• Find out how groups let you be more private and exclusive on Facebook

• Check out which Facebook tool allows free and easy SEO

• Discover how pages enable you to track visitors easily and monitor your brand name on Facebook

“Which is better: Facebook page or group?” That is the question that constantly plagues companies who are just starting to dabble in the new era of social media marketing. It is natural to be slightly confused over the functions of both tools since they have overlapping features. But before we discuss their differences, let’s look at what exactly a Facebook page is and what constitutes a Facebook group.

Facebook page

Having a Facebook page allows you to specifically represent your business online. It will be visible to unregistered users and it is indexed, thus resulting in quick and easy search engine optimisation. A Facebook page also looks extremely familiar to a Facebook profile. You can add friends, pictures, and even have walls that fans can post on.

Facebook group

You can choose to have more privacy and exclusivity with a Facebook group. You can decide if it is open to a particular network or to everyone on Facebook, set permissions whether the group is open (anyone may join), closed (need administrator’s approval to join) or secret (invite only).

Now that you know the basic descriptions of these two tools, let’s look at their differences in terms of:

1) Personal interactivity

Based on size limitations and security features, Facebook groups are set up to allow more personal interaction. What is posted on a group page could appear on its fans’ walls, thus making it a more personal reflection of the fans. For example, when someone joins a group called “Vegans in Singapore”, it will reflect his or her belief in being a vegan and this will then be reflected in his or her profile wall.

A Facebook page, however, is simply seen as another person on Facebook, and it usually isn’t linked to the fans personally.

2) Google search engine optimisation

Unlike Facebook groups, pages are indexed to allow for search engine optimisation. This means that having a page may increase your ranking in external search engines. Engaging in the services of a SEO expert, however, is still the most effective way to go tops on external search engines.

3) Announcements

Administrators will be able to send inbox messages to the group members. On the negative side, groups only allow a maximum of 5,000 members. On the other hand, page administrators are only able to update fans through the page, which will then be distributed under the “Updates” section of the fans’ inboxes. There are no limits to the number of updates you can send or the number of fans you can have when it comes to pages.

4) User control

You have a much greater control over who gets to participate on your Facebook group. For example, a group’s permission settings allow you to restrict access to new members. Perhaps you prefer new members to be approved first before letting them participate in the current discussion. With a page however, you can only set restrictions based on ages and locations.

5) Applications

Since pages are much more similar to normal profiles and thus allow for the hosting of applications, this makes them much more personalised from this perspective. Groups do not have the capability to host applications.

6) Tracking

With a Facebook page, you will be given a tool to track how many visitors you have received thus far. You will then be able to gauge how successful you have been in building your company’s image on an online social media.

The verdict

On the whole, groups are perfect for organising on a more personal level and for a smaller scale of interaction. Pages are better suited for businesses and brands who want to interact with their consumers online. So first, figure out the objective of your company to go on Facebook. Then look through this article and find out which tool is best to achieve your objective. Although working with an internet marketing firm may bring you quicker gratification, being active on Facebook will still gain you some fans. After all, with more than 350 million active users on Facebook, it’s safe to say that choosing the right tool can definitely do wonders for your business.

About the Author: Melissa has 8 years experience working with companies such as HSBC, Bayer Healthcare and Packard Bell and is currently a web designer at Online Marketing Company - Conversion Hub. She is also a SEO consultant for a certified SEO company Singapore.

Source: www.isnare.com
Permanent Link: https://www.isnare.com/?aid=456028&ca=Marketing

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How to Use Twitter: Make Friends and Money With Twitter

Submitted by: Peter Nisbet

Making money with Twitter is not difficult, and while everybody wants to know how to use Twitter properly very few do. Yes, you can log on and tweet, but do you really know how to use it? Do you know how to attract the followers that you want, or how to choose the tweeters that you want to follow?

Most people are happy having as many followers as possible, but why are they following you? Why do people who don't have a clue who you are want to follow you? Unless you can answer questions such as these then you do not know how to use the site, let alone how to make friends and money from Twitter.

That's right - make money! It is possible to make money with Twitter by using it as it can be used, but you have to know how to do that. Twitter can be used to drive masses of traffic to your blog, Squidoo lens or website. There is nothing illegal about it, and Twitter will not throw you off: in fact they will welcome it. The reason for that is that the owners want it to be as popular as possible and to have as many Twitter users and followers as they possibly can get.

Part of that might be due to reported bids for Twitter from Rupert Murdoch, Apple and Facebook, and perhaps even Google: obviously the busier and more popular the site is then the higher its value. However, a lot has also got a lot to do with pride, and the more uses to which people can put the site then the less it will be known as a one trick pony, useful only for short tweets but nothing else.

If it becomes a useful means of internet marketing, and can be extended into a mainstream income earner, then Twitter will assume a new dimension and not only increase its value but also its reputation as a more solid WEB2 site and not just a bit of frippery on the periphery of real internet marketing entities. You can make money with Twitter, mainly by using it as a marketing tool to drive traffic to your blog or website. You can also use Twitter to send visitors to your MySpace, Facebook or YouTube pages and any other web presence that you have such as your Squidoo lens.

Anybody can do it, not only the experienced internet marketers, and if you have an idea that you can sell, or even a physical product that you want to promote, then there are ways to do that extremely effectively using the application - but first you have to understand how to use Twitter for more than just tweeting.

What you need is good professional instruction, not only on how to make friends and communicate, but also how to make money with Twitter. Not many are doing so right now, but if you feel that this is a growing medium, of which there is absolutely no doubt, then you must make sure that you don't miss the boat. You can use Twitter without spamming, and without annoying any of the other tweeters that use it.

In fact many might want to join you, since they will learn a lot more about this fabulous communications technique than they do right now. Once you understand how Twitter can be used to the maximum of its potential then you can pass that information on free if you want.

First, however, you have to understand the basics of Twitter. You might believe that you know all there is to know, but don't be silly! Nobody knows that, not even me, and I know a heck of a lot. Nevertheless there is still a lot to be learned, and you should start learning right now before you get left behind.

By learning how to use Twitter properly, you will broaden your outlook and enjoy tweeting much more, and if you know how to make money with Twitter when you need it, then these sudden expenses that come along will no longer pose problems. By combining the benefits of WEB2 sites such as Squidoo, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter you can create a marketing entity so powerful that you find it difficult not to make money.

About the Author: To learn how to use Twitter properly, and also how to make friends and money with Twitter, visit Pete's page at Twitter Traffic where you find out how to learn everything you need on video, and also how to make a start at making some pocket money for yourself

Source: www.isnare.com

Twitter For Musicians and Bands: A How-To Guide

By Ryan Gutierrez 
Part of the beauty of Twitter is that it can be many things to many people. As part of my effort to recruit as many people to Twitter as possible, I decided that I should write posts about how Twitter can be used in different situations. For example, of course you can just use Twitter to make plans with your friends, but the interactivity of Twitter can be very useful for people in all sorts of different professions. I'm going to attempt to come up with as many different uses for it as I can and I'm going to start with the one I feel (for better or worse) qualified the most to talk about: using Twitter to promote your band or music.

Your Fans Really Do Care What You're Doing
Believe it or not, if you've been making music for a while, you've probably accumulated a not-insignificant group of fans who are interested in what you do on a daily basis. These are the fans that download all your songs (whether you want them to or not), go to all your shows and buy all your t-shirts. Every band has these, no matter how long you've been around or how bad your music is. These are the people that you can cater to with Twitter. 

I suggest updating at least twice a day. Once when you get up you should post what you're going to be doing that day, whether or not it's related to your music, and once when your day is done to let them know how it went. Believe me, if Cedric and Omar from The Mars Volta or Daft Punk were on Twitter, you better believe I would be following them and would get super excited whenever they updated, even if it was just to let me know that they were eating a bowl of Cheerios. 

Promoting Your Shows
Twitter can be an extremely effective promotional tool because you can ask people to come to your shows on several different occasions. If you are booking a tour, I suggest updating on Twitter when the dates are finalized and linking to the posted dates on your web site. Also, the day before the show, as well as the day of, you can update reminding everyone to come out to see you.

If you have enough fans and followers, you could make them feel extra special by having exclusive shows or afterparties that you only mention on Twitter. Once your fans find out that you are having these secret events, they will start following you on Twitter, thereby increasing your reach. 

Take Requests
Since Twitter makes it so easy to interact with your fans, why not ask them what they want to hear when they come to your show? Maybe you've been neglecting to play an old fan favorite. Twitter is an easy way to find out what your fans want to hear, straight from the source. All they have to do is either direct message you or reply to you using the @ symbol.

Twitter-Exclusive Downloads
Say thank you to your biggest fans by giving your Twitter followers the heads up on exclusive new songs and videos. Posting a link on Twitter and NOT your web site says that you really value your fans enough to give them something special. Of course, once word gets out that you have a new song available for download, your non-Twittering fans will download it, but your Twitter followers will feel special because you gave them the heads up first.

Get Instant Feedback
Not sure if that hook you're writing is trash or gold? Post a clip on Twitter and if you have enough followers, you'll get instant feedback in minutes! Jason Calacanis, founder of Weblogs Inc. and Mahalo, uses it to get feedback on new designs for Mahalo. Sure, you could say that the fans should have no impact on the music you make, but if you want, you have an instant focus group that has your best interests at heart, wants you to succeed and would love to have you take their feedback into consideration.

Twitter-Exclusive Contests
This falls along the same lines as taking requests via Twitter, except it's more fun. You could create a contest in which they plug your new song or upcoming show in one of their updates and that enters them into a drawing where the winner gets free tickets to an upcoming show in their area. You get free promotion, they get to come to your show for free and their followers check out your new song. It's a win-win for everyone involved.

This is really just scratching the surface of how musicians can leverage Twitter to build their brand, increase their audience and get more people to hear their music. I'm sure as time goes on and more and more bands adopt Twitter the way they did MySpace, we'll see some really innovative ways to use Twitter, but these ideas should be enough to get you started. Good luck and follow me on Twitter!

Ryan Gutierrez is a technology expert, specializing in internet marketing. Visit his site at http://www.ryangutierrez.com. There, you will... (show bio)

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/viral-marketing-articles/twitter-for-musicians-and-bands-a-howto-guide-447592.html

Friday, January 27, 2017

Youtube: Why It Is So Popular

Submitted by: Webhosting Reviews

Each year, it is seems as if something new appears on the internet. The problem is that fads, also known as trends, come and go. Although it is difficult for a particular internet activity to stay popular for a period of time, there is one that seems to be doing well and it doesn’t show any signs of fading. That is the use of online videos, namely YouTube http://www.barss.info

Online video websites are defined as online websites that post videos. Once a video has been loaded onto the website, it can easily be found and viewed by thousands, if not millions, of internet users. In addition to allowing internet users to view online videos, many video websites also give internet users the option to create, upload, and share their own videos.

As previously mentioned, YouTube is one of the most popular online video websites. In fact, it is so popular that when asked about video sites many individuals automatically respond with YouTube. Whether you have used the services offered by YouTube or not, you may be wondering what is so great about the site. What is it that makes millions of interest users view it, some on a daily basis. The answer isn’t as simple as you may think. This is because there are a number of different reasons why YouTube has become so popular.

One of those reasons were mentioned above, online video websites give internet users the ability to make, load, and share their own videos with the rest of the world. This is something that is literally amazing. Millions of individuals have a good idea or thought that they would like to document or share, but many are unable to do so without the assistance of YouTube. After you have created your own video, you can easily have it uploaded, often in as little as a few minutes.

In addition to being able to create your online videos, you can also view those that others have created. What is nice about YouTube is that they accept a wide variety of different videos, all on different topics, issues, and subjects. On YouTube, you can find videos focusing on pets, entertainment, sports, cars, and comedy. One of the few restrictions that YouTube has is that videos must be no longer than ten minutes. This means that you could enjoy a video while taking a short break at home or at work. It is also nice that you are not required to listen to boring advisements, as many other online video websites require you to do.

Perhaps, the greatest reason why YouTube is so popular is because it is free. Yes, free. This means that you can not only watch as many videos as you want, without having to pay a thing, but you can also make and share your own. Although YouTube is free to use, they do request that you register with them. This registration is also free. Despite being optional, the registration will give you access to other YouTube features, including the ability to rate videos that you have recently watched.

In addition to being free, YouTube is also popular because it is easy to use. You do not have to be an experienced internet user to enjoy online entertainment. With easy to use categories and search features, you should be able to find and watch online videos that peak your interest, without having to spending hours or even days familiarizing yourself with the website.

About the Author: YouTube: Why It Is So Popular

Source: www.isnare.com

How to SEO Your YouTube Video

Submitted by: Cedric P Loiselle

With YouTube being the most popular video website on the Internet, it's in your best interest to do everything in your power to have the best possible placement in its search results. On October 9th 2006, Google bought YouTube for 1.65 billion. With Google being the owner of YouTube, both search engines work the same way. Their robots read text. They are not intelligent enough yet to watch your video. This means the only way you can influence where your video will be in the search results is by entering, in the form of text, as much information as possible. You can do so by making sure to have a very descriptive title, keywords tags, and an excellent description.

Your title is the essence of your video's description. It describes in a few words what your video is about, therefore every word is important. For example, let's say you have a video about reviewing movies coming out this week. A title to avoid would be something like "New releases of the week". A more specific title that has more chances of being searched would be "Movies reviews - Iron Man 2, Superman and more". However avoid too long titles as people won't read them. Humans are lazy in general and will avoid reading as much as possible, especially on YouTube where people are used to watching videos rather than reading. It may seems rude to say such a thing, but it is actually a known marketing fact used by many companies in their marketing strategies.

The description, as the word itself says, describes the video content. Don't be afraid to enter as much information as you want. You can basically write a summary of your video's content. Let's take the same example as before, reviewing new movies. Your description should include every movie reviewed in the video as well as a summary of each of them. The more text your description has the better the chance of it being picked up by YouTube's search engine. Don't be too zealous though, you're not writing a book. A good trick is also to include the word "video" in your description. By including this word, you will also get a chance of your video being picked up by Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. For example, someone searching on Google for "Iron Man 2 video review" might stumble on your video in the search results.

Tags are equally important as the title and description. Making good tags does not have to be hard. The fastest, easiest way is using common sense. What keywords would people type in the search box when searching for your video? To continue with our movies review example, good tags would be the titles of the movies being reviewed (Iron Man 2, Superman). Also, the words "review" and "movie". You can also use a keyword generator available from multiple websites and add the most popular keywords related to your video. Don't add tags that are not relevant with your video as you will be flagged by other members and your account could be banned.

About the Author: Cedric Loiselle is an expert Internet marketer. He has been helping website owners get traffic to their website as well as improve their social network presence since 2004. You can buy views to get your videos noticed and improve even more your search engine's ranking. Visit http://super-traffic.com.

Source: www.isnare.com

How to Use YouTube to Make Money Online

By: Tamera Marks

When it comes to making money online, there are many ways to do it. You can use PPC, Internet Marketing, affiliate programs, Youtube Ebooks, and a thousand or more other ways to make your money and run your business. The tricky part is that with each of those ways to make money online, there are a number of ways to market for profit. YouTube for example can be used in a number of different ways to make money. You can buy ads there and make money every time the ads are clicked, you can make your own videos and sell your business that way, or you can get paid every time someone simply downloads something you have put up there. It is easy, but it is not a get rich quick scheme, so you need to have the patience and the fortitude to make your business exactly what you want to make it. Here we talk about ways to use YouTube to expand your profit potential.

It should go without saying that anything online that generates hits or traffic is a good way to make money online. So, with YouTube generating several millions of hits every single day, it would be foolish not to consider this website as a potential income stream for you. The most standard way of making money with YouTube is by already having a business in place, and then creating videos about your business, and marketing the videos on YouTube. This is easy if you already have a business. But what if you want to create a business with the help of YouTube?

By becoming a YouTube partner, which is easy to do, you can make more money with YouTube. It is not any different than affiliate marketing. Instead of marketing someone else's product however, you market someone else's video. The result? You get "thanked" for marketing someone else's video by being paid every time someone views it. Most people can do this through their blog, or on YouTube it is referred to as your channel. In order for you to become a YouTube partner, your channel will need to have a large following. This is easy enough to do if you spend the time on YouTube interacting with the website in a way that generates your good following. 

Another way to use YouTube is to promote videos on your website that have high traffic. Using the high traffic from YouTube, you are able to generate a higher traffic count to your own website as well. All you would do is choose a high traffic video that is pertinent to your blog or website, embed the video into your website, and go from there. You may first write a post or entry about the video you are offering, but in a teaser way that leads your reader to click the video. By writing content that matches the video, you will get additional traffic because people will be searching for that content, and also for the video that has already earned high traffic. This way anytime someone clicks on the download link, you will get paid.

When it comes to making money online, methods such as YouTube, ebooks, and others are almost considered old school. But as you know, anything old school is usually a good concept to work with in business, because it works.
Make money online by promoting download links to Youtube Ebooks and many more items!

Article Source:

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Facebook Marketing 101

Submitted by: Luca Moretti

Facebook is THE social network to be on. Re-connecting with your sixth grade crushes and sharing photos with your grandma – these are just a couple of the things you can do on Facebook, which has also become a virtual marketplace for business owners and advertisers. Businesses of all stripes can use Facebook to attract new clientele, stay in touch with current clients, and promote their latest products/services. Facebook is also a valuable PR tool that allows you to create a buzz around whatever it is that your business offers.

Facebook Pages

Although there are several tools businesses can use on Facebook to promote themselves, the primary methods of promotion are through Facebook pages and Facebook groups. With a Facebook page, your business can have its own profile in Facebook, and best of all, these pages are free! Your customers can become fans of your Facebook page, which enables them to receive any updates posted to your page.

The great thing about having a Facebook page is that anytime someone becomes a fan of your page, all of their Facebook friends can see it. This gives your business more exposure and the possibility of attracting more fans. You can use your Facebook page to share information about your company, and post videos, applications, photos, and messages.

When you sign up for a Facebook page, you will be given three category options and they are: a local business, a brand/product, or an artist/band/public figure. You cannot change your category later so be careful to choose the right one. Your decision will depend on how you want to promote your business. If you want to promote your business locally, sign up as a local business so you can reach your target market more effectively. If your goal is to spread brand awareness and image, display your page as a brand/product.

When creating a Facebook page, use a friendly, conversational tone. You don’t want to use a stiff, formal business tone on your Facebook page like you would on your normal company website. Facebook is all about building community, actively participating in discussions, and sharing information. You don’t want to come across as too stuffy.

Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are similar to Facebook pages except that they are built around a group of people rather than your business. Unlike Facebook pages, people cannot become fans of your Facebook group. They must become members of the group instead. The downside of Facebook groups is that they are more private in nature, and thus do not share as much information with the friends of group members.

Which One is Right for My Business?

Facebook pages will give your business more exposure but Facebook groups are more effective if you want to connect with your customers/prospects on a personal level. When you send a message out to your Facebook page fans, they will only receive an update notification whereas when you send a message out to your Facebook group members, it goes into their inbox. As such, Facebook groups can be more appropriate if your goal is to provide better customer service and communication and receive feedback.

About the Author: I'm the head copywriter for SEO Sapien SEO Company. You can find all our services, SEO Consulting and more Original Articles at http://www.seosapien.com

Source: www.isnare.com

Facebook Marketing Strategy - How to Use Facebook For Business

Submitted by: Neil Joseph Ashworth

We've all heard the buzz about Facebook and if you've been around for a while you'll have heard how easy and how essential it is to have a social media marketing strategy for your company. After all, with over 300 million users on Facebook it must be easy to find a handful of customers almost each and every day, right? Wrong.

It's far from simple and you only have to speak to a few different people who have tried to build a successful marketing strategy on Facebook and you'll realise that the vast majority of marketers pushing their products on the Facebook platform are making few if any sales from their ever increasing activity. Why is this? In short, no clear marketing strategy. This article will provide you with the knowledge to develop a simple yet effective marketing strategy for Facebook. Here goes;

1. Branding

Know who you are, who you are not and where you are going with your business in the next five years (or at least where you plan to go) before starting out on Facebook. This will allow you to create a strong brand which tells your potential customers and business partners exactly who they are dealing with.

2. Networking

Decide on a plan to network in specific areas. Draw up a list of groups in your niche that you can find quickly each time you go onto Facebook in order to add value, comment on and share content and information within the group discussion board and network with other group members to build relationships and exchange ideas.

Find a few business pages of leaders within your industry and become a fan of the page. By doing this you will be able to see exactly what your competitors are up to on Facebook and also who else is a fan of your business rivals. In addition, you can also comment on updates made by the fan page administrator which will be seen by everyone who follows the page, offering you free advertising in the process.

Add relevant contacts to your list by carrying out a quick search of the Facebook platform to see what type of people are out there talking about your industry. This is really simple to do but very powerful; simply type in your chosen keyword or search term into the search tab at the top right hand side of your Facebook profile page, hit the search symbol and then work your way through the results column on the left hand side of the page,, providing you with search results from a range of different sources across the Facebook platform.

3. Sales

The final frontier in many ways and an increasingly difficult place to arrive at when using social networking sites to build your business but if you get this part right it can pay off big style. As the saying goes, if you don't ask, you don't get and Facebook marketing is no different. The best way to make a sale is to plan for it and with a little modification to your user profile you can set up a unique opt-in form on your profile page to offer people the chance to subscribe to more information from you about your product or service. If you want to go one better, then why not set up a Facebook page for your business and add a shopping cart facility to allow people to buy straight from your door, without ever having to leave the great land of Facebook?

Whatever you decide to do when marketing on Facebook for your business, remember the one rule of thumb; people don't frequent social networking sites to be sold to, so don't sell them on anything and you might be surprised how many sales you can actually make!

About the Author: Neil Ashworth is a successful entrepreneur who teaches people the exact steps it takes to Get Rich Online at http://GETRICH-ONLINE.NET/?t=snare using social media marketing tools and techniques and a powerful, step-by-step internet marketing system.

Source: www.isnare.com

Social Media Marketing With Social Bookmarking Sites – Build Links For Free

Submitted by: Jane Fields

You’ve probably heard the buzz about social media marketing (SMM). One of the components of SMM is social bookmarking. With the right advice and the right strategy, you can use social bookmarking to boost links to your company site and increase your site’s relevance for the keywords that pertain to your business.

The Opportunities in Social Bookmarking

Inbound links to your website are tremendously important to your search engine ranking. In fact, most search engine marketing experts believe that Google’s ranking algorithm is weighted far more heavily towards links than it is to keywords.

SMM offers many ways to generate these links for little or no cost – articles, social media sites and blogs are just a few examples. Social bookmarking is another.

With bookmarking, you save bookmarks to blog posts, articles and web pages (including your own). You tag them with a “keyword” of your own choosing (preferably related to your business). You can then add a “tag cloud” to your website. The tag cloud contains the tags you have created and directs users to the bookmarks you have saved for that tag.

What is the benefit for your business? Each bookmark links to your website or blog. With tag clouds, each keyword appears on your site, increasing the site’s relevance. Between the bookmarking site and the tag cloud on your website, you have a really great cross-promotional tool that opens up myriad opportunities for people to find you.

Consider the website of a Toronto marketing firm. They have a tag cloud with words like Toronto, search marketing, social media, blogging and so on. Each time someone visits their site, that person can click a tag and find the company’s bookmarks. They can then share those bookmarks with other users, which will point those users back to the marketing firm’s site.

Going in the other direction, people searching a bookmarking site may find the marketing firm’s bookmarks. Seeing that the company has posted some interesting and valuable articles on online marketing, they decide to visit the company’s site and add it to their social bookmarking network.

The Challenges of Social Bookmarking for Businesses

Like any kind of social media marketing, social bookmarking is low-cost, at least in terms of money. Where the “costs” escalate is in time. To do social bookmarking right, you need time to evaluate the various sites, add your bookmarks, comment on them, and interact with other users who share your interests. It is a big job.

Let’s look at the first step – deciding which sites to use. If you do a search for the top social bookmarking sites, you’ll get a huge list, like the one published on ebizMBA. So which ones do you choose? Delicious is one of the biggest, but would it be better to go for a smaller site, like furl or faves.com? Is it better to use all three, plus some social news sites, like Digg or Reddit?

Once you have made that decision, you need to decide how and when you will create the content you want to bookmark. Blogs, articles – what is the right amount of content and how often do you need to create it? You can really only answer that question by looking at social bookmarking as part of your overall social media marketing plan.

Answers to Your Social Media Marketing Questions

Social bookmarking and social media marketing are powerful marketing tools. To make the most of them you need to devote a lot of attention to the sites and create content regularly. You also need a comprehensive social media marketing plan that incorporates all of your content initiatives and your efforts to create bookmarks that direct people to that content.

A marketing agency that specializes in SMM can get you started. They can help you navigate the sites, schedule your content and get involved in the social media sphere. Even if you just sign on for a short-term contract to get started, you will find the SMM firm an invaluable partner in your “new media” marketing plans.

About the Author: For more information on Social Media Marketing or Search Engine Optimization visit wolf21

Source: www.isnare.com

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

COBBOC - The Latest Social Networking Platform For All Social Media Lovers

Submitted by: Said Karimli

Social Media sites like Cobboc are the latest trend among people nowadays and as a result they are becoming more and more widespread in our daily lives. Every single day a number of individuals and companies are finding out and registering at these social media websites! What is the reason? – A few are in need of a promotion tool for their business, services or product, a few are looking to get new contacts or their man/woman of their dreams, while others utilize social networks just to play games on it.

To put it in plain and simple, today nearly almost everybody is hooked to these kinds of websites. It is pretty obvious that people in today’s world can’t seem to exist without having some form of socialization. This has become on the most important part of the modern day life.

Are You Looking For A Fresh Social Networking Site?

Nowadays people who love social networks are looking for newer social websites every single day. What is the reason? – Since nearly all social media sites normally have their own unique features that can’t be seen by you in some other social network websites. This technique is called as the social media marketing. These are the reasons that make the site innovative and varied from other social network websites; hence a number of individuals are looking out for the latest social network sites in the hope of finding new and interesting things to be interested in.

Cobboc – A Latest Social Network Website For All Social Network Users and Lovers

The Cobboc social media website was commenced on August 15th, 2010. The principal thought and idea behind this social network site was to make a simple social media website that would be much simpler and easier to use than other social media websites like Orkut, Facebook or other similarly popular websites.

If you are searching for:

• A fresh audience to promote your services and product;
• New networks that you can spend time with;
• New social contacts;
• New professional relations with whom you can develop your business with;
• And there is also a lot more…

Then the recently commenced Cobboc social network website would probably be providing you, a very nice solution to those searches and questions. There might be a lot of similar websites, but this can rightly be considered as the best location for both your social media marketing needs and the search for meeting new people. With its number of unique features and popularity that keeps on increasing day by day, it is very likely that one day this social network site will be the most popular site like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, or any other well-known social network site!

If you are in need of discovering the unique features that make Cobboc one of the fastest growing sites in the Internet simply login after registering with this social network website and check it out, you certainly won’t be disappointed.

If you are fan of popular social networks like Twitter, Facebook, then you will surely like Cobboc too.

About the Author: If you want to become member of a simpler and more easy-to-use Social Network than Facebook or other Social Media sites, then try Cobboc.

Source: www.isnare.com

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Social Media - Why It's Ok Not To Have A Social Media Strategy

Submitted by: Andrew Atalla

Social is the new buzz word. Everyone’s doing it, and everyone’s talking about it. Buzz Tracking, Social Media Monitoring, Perception management – it’s all big business now, with agencies popping up all over the place specialising in this market alone.

Meanwhile, marketers are running around trying to get in on the bandwagon which, without proper consideration, may not even take them anywhere.

I can just imagine the water-cooler moment with two marketing heads talking about how amazing it is that Facebook has grown so fast, before immediately deciding that they need a corporate Facebook page. A month later, they’re starting a Twitter account and presenting to their bosses about how they’re at the forefront of digital.

Fools rush in

While this ‘social media strategy’ may get them a pat on the back, it rarely results in any genuine business success, neither does it really represent any form of strategy. However, you could argue that the only thing wasted is a bit of time, so it’s not a huge problem. This is true only until we realise how significant the gain may have been – as which point the opportunity cost becomes quite significant.

The problem arises from today’s action-led corporate world, where we are obsessed with all things ‘doing’. What we’re doing, what we’ve done and what we’re going to do. As long as we’re doing, our salaries are safe.

Sit quietly and listen...

When developing a social media strategy, try a different approach. Just this one time, park being proactive and instead, realise it’s ok to not know what you’re supposed to do. Only with this mindset will you be able to extract from the new and exciting world of social media the real value. After all – this is not an arena for you to flex your corporate biceps, but rather to sit quietly. Listen. Absorb. Consider.

When search marketing started booming, it was a revolution. Representing ‘pull marketing’, search allowed companies to target active consumers who were genuinely ‘in the market’. As the consumers were in charge, they didn’t mind being fed messages by companies trying to bid for their business as they had, in fact, requested it. This happy relationship meant we could all go about our business, lining the pockets of Google.

The mindset of a social surfer is entirely different. They're not calling your customer service centre or placing an order online, they're just chatting. It just so happens that the online world is so transparent, you know exactly what they’re chatting about. Whilst the ‘doing’ urge might be strong, it would be rude to barge in.

Design a considered response

The first problem is that consumers are bored of companies trying to sway their opinion. And to be fair, you can see why, given that an average person is exposed to 1000s of marketing messages each and every day.

The second problem is that a company’s urge to ‘do something’ often results in a defensive approach, rather than a creative one. My favourite example is from EA Sports, who responded to a video posted by a customer on YouTube.

The ‘Jesus Shot’ showed Tiger Woods being able to walk on water due a bug in the PGA Tour 2008 EA Sports game. Clearly a glitch, a natural response would have been to run off and try to fix it for the next release. Perhaps communicate with the poster about the fix, send him a free game as a thankyou for his feedback, and assume you’ve correctly leveraged ‘social’ to its full potential.

EA took a different tack, using this feedback to create a reply which has now been viewed over 3 million times. Had EA not tracked the space with such an open and creative mindset, this initiative would never have occurred, and their brand would have been interacted with 3 million times less.

Let the consumers take the lead

The first thing you need to do is simply to start tracking. There are a number of paid tools you can subscribe to, although many will be too expensive for non blue chip companies. However, there are other few tools you can use, or get your agency to start tracking this for you.

At the very least, you should set up some Google Alerts for your company name, your competitors, and indeed the core terms relating to your market and offering. Make a list of some of the key sites you know where people discuss what you offer and check them regularly.

Check in on Facebook every now and then to see if there are any groups which related to what you do, hunt out relevant blogs, track the twitter space closely to get a feel for the zeitgeist of your industry – immerse yourself in your consumers.

Know your audience

With the correct systems in place, it's possible to learn more about your audience than ever before. What they like, what they hate, what they tell their friends and what they fear. Intelligent, considered and creative analysis of what you find can lead you down many a road which you had not even considered.

As I said – it’s ok to not have a social media strategy just yet. In fact, I think that’s the whole point...

About the Author: Andrew Atalla is the founder of atom42, a London online marketing agency. atom42 employs a range of marketing fields to create an integrated online marketing strategy for each of its clients.

Source: www.isnare.com

Monday, January 23, 2017

Putting the Social in Social Media Marketing

Submitted by: James Copper

Social media marketing has certainly taken the world of entrepreneurship by storm. And, really, why would this be surprising? Social networking platforms provide blogging, messaging, bulletin board, and audio/video promotional access to million of people completely free of charge. To say this is a gift to the world of online marketing would be the understatement of the century. However, the presence of these benefits alone will not make a social media marketing venture successful. There is a secret to making such a promotional tactic work and it centers on the word social. In other words, the key to succeeding with social media marketing is not to promote the product or service as much as it is to promote the person offering the product or service.

This is really not a novel concept. All you need to do is look at several famous gurus who have made a fortune promoting their wares. Anthony Robbins' entire self-help fortune was built on his charismatic oratory skills. Richard Simmons has delivered countless diet and weight loss products to the market that sold quite strongly based on his likeability and trust factor. Yes, the products these men and other gurus like them sold also had much value and delivered what they promised. But, the key factor that separated the success of these individuals from those products that did not do as well in marketplace was the fact these men sold their strong personalities first and their products second. It was this trust that they developed in their audience first that made purchasing their products more appealing.

When this approach is moved to the realm of social media marketing, it can deliver tremendous results. Again, that is why you want to stress the social aspects of a social media profile vs. the product at least initially.

How can this be achieved? There is not single, solitary manner that one can model a social media marketing plan into. This is a good thing since it opens the door to a great deal of creative expression. However, if there was one thing to avoid it would be to use the social media platform as a means of hard selling your wares. Such an approach seldom works because it makes you look as if you really are not interested in engaging the other members of the social networking aite. If you are not interested in them, they will not be interested in you. But, if you use the platform as a means of promoting your positive attributes and making contact with the members of the networking community, you will discover your ability to promote an entrepreneurial venture has a greater chance of success.

In essence, you want your social networking platform to make contacts with like minded people. Whether you make your presentational platform entertaining or informative is up to you. The specific approach (audio, visual, prose oriented) is up to you as well. The key here is that you want to establish value and credibility with your intended audience. From this, you can later move on to the next stage (which is actual sales) in a much easier manner and to a larger, more accepting audience. That is the key to social media marketing success bar none!

About the Author: James Copper is a writer for http://www.thebigagency.co.uk where you can find out about their social media marketing services

Source: www.isnare.com

Saturday, January 21, 2017

How to Earn Money With Facebook- The Best Tips Here

Submitted by: Kellie Purden

Facebook has quickly gained its reputation as the largest social networking site in the world. This is the reason why it would not be surprising that such site can also be used as a moneymaking tool. Its capacity to connect thousands, or if not millions, of people opens doors to those who are aspiring to know how to earn money with Facebook.

People who wanted to earn with Facebook may try to work as an online influencer. Online influencers are people who post product or company related web content using their timelines or walls. They were often asked to post advertisements that could capture the attention of the “netizens” whom, in one way or another, can serve as the future customers of the company or the product that is being promoted.

The compensation that they would get from the posts that they would make would usually depend on the number of people who would get to see the advertisement that they posted. In other words, it works like an ordinary pay-per-click advertising scheme that people usually see on various webpages across the internet.

There are also cases when the compensation is based on the size of the network of the online influencer. The online influencer would be paid depending on the number of friends or subscribers that he has on Facebook and not on the number of people who would check out the ad that he posted.

People who wanted to earn via Facebook may also try to work for website owners who wanted to gain some web traffic for their webpages. These website owners would usually hire people who are willing to post company-related links in their timelines. The payment scheme in this moneymaking scheme is often similar to the previous example.

People who wanted to know how to earn money with Facebook may also try to learn how to develop marketable Facebook applications. They could easily sell the applications that they have developed to various web application distributors across Facebook. The compensation in this moneymaking scheme is usually fixed, though it can also be negotiable. What is even better is that the developer would usually acquire a royalty fee that is dependent on the agreement that has made between him and the developer.

People who wanted to earn through Facebook may also try to join several Facebook events online. These Facebook events would usually need people who can increase the popularity of a particular event in Facebook. They are usually asked to invite people who could attend the online event in exchange for compensation that is based on the amount of people who would be able to attend the event.

Facebook can also be a ground for people who want to establish a small business. You can look for Facebook friends who could also serve as your prospective clients. You could tag these people into your Facebook posts that serve as a marketing tool for the product that you are trying to sell. You may even ask these people to share the content that you posts, thus making the information on your products viral and more popular.

The possibilities on earning with Facebook are generally limitless. As long as you have the drive to learn how to earn money with Facebook, you would never fail to find a moneymaking scheme that is perfect for you.

About the Author: We have just released our latest report to show you how to make money online quickly. Download for free: www.BriefIncomeReports.com

Source: www.isnare.com

How to Make Money With Video Marketing on Facebook

Submitted by: Filippo T. Toso

Over the past few years there has been a huge growth in social networking sites, such as Facebook, and this has opened the door to a whole new level of marketing possibilities. Marketers are realizing that social networking sites are literally like gold mines just waiting to be exploited, however I know that many marketers aren’t sure how to make the most of this opportunity, so in this article I'd like to show you how to make money with video marketing on Facebook.

In fact Facebook is one of the largest sites around right now and gets hundreds of thousands of visitors each and every day from all over the world. By carefully planning out your video marketing activities it is possible to exploit this large volume or traffic and get maximum exposure for your website, product or service!

However, making real money from Facebook is not as simple as uploading a video and then waiting for the profit to roll in! You must realize that there are certain things you need to bear in mind when creating your video marketing strategy for Facebook.

I find that one of the biggest problems is that marketers are creating their videos without actually knowing who they are targeting. Let me explain: if you aren't sure of who you are targeting then how can you possibly hope to be successful with your video marketing on Facebook?

For instance, a piece of video marketing on Facebook aimed at men aged 50 and over is going to be very different in style to a Facebook video aimed at teenage girls for example.

By deciding which target demographic you want to aim your promotion towards before creating your video, you can ensure that your video marketing on Facebook will be much more successful. Of course, you can make as many videos tailored towards as many demographics as you wish, so you may decide to make one Facebook video aimed at teenagers, and another aimed at people in their 30s etc.

Another thing that a lot of marketers seem to struggle with is actually taking the time to do a little bit of research into the video marketing on Facebook which already exists within their niche.

By looking at existing videos from competitors offering a similar product or service, you can gain a good understanding of what style of video actually works well in your particular market - it may also lead you to discover an area that is not yet being exploited, allowing you to become the first person to take advantage of this.

Ask yourself what makes a successful Facebook video and make notes about the quality of the video, the length as well as any images or thumbnails it may use. Also take note of the keywords and description it uses. Doing this groundwork will help you to create the most effective video marketing campaign on Facebook, and will maximize the amount of viewers your video will get and the exposure for whatever it is you are promoting.

Now you can begin to actually create your Facebook video. By having a clear target audience you can tailor your video to match your audience.

Another issue that I often see are videos which do not make effective use of titles, descriptions and tags. Remember that Facebook Video offers you the chance to enter all of these details, so ensure that you fill them in. Use a title that is relevant to the content of your Facebook video, you may also decide to include a few keywords in your title. Enter an accurate description of your video so that your viewers know what it is about before they actually watch it, again you can include keywords here, and even a link to your website. Finally, you can use Facebook video 'tagging' to identify the people in your video - this is great if your video features a well known personality or expert!

Unlike many social networking sites, Facebook is made up of a lot of people who already know each other, perhaps old school mates, or work colleagues for instance. The thing to bear in mind whenever you carry out video marketing campaign on Facebook is that these people know each other in real life, and have probably been friends for many years. Therefore simply trying to force feed them your promotion is not likely to get you results. The real key to successfully making money through video marketing on Facebook is to offer true value in the information you are presenting.

Using video marketing on Facebook to make money is not as difficult as you may imagine, however the unique nature of Facebook means that you may have to adjust your strategies and use marketing techniques that you may not have used before.

About the Author: Filippo Toso is an Italian marketing consultant with many years of experience. He has an extensive client base, which includes the FAO, the UN, and many Fortune 500 companies. He uses one of his own products to promote his services on Facebook Video.

Source: www.isnare.com

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Twitter Marketing Basics - How You Can Use Twitter Marketing to Grow Your Online Business and Finally Make Money Online

Submitted by: Paul Friar

Twitter is a powerful marketing resource that you can use regardless of the online business you are in. You can use it to greatly increase the amount traffic you get to your website via regular and informative posts of quality content. Let us now take a look at some of the marketing features available to you when you setup a twitter account.

The marketing features of twitter include such features as direct messaging, the ability to twitter on the move (mobile twittering) and twitter niche market searching. Twitter is after all a type of simplified social networking website, where you spread with other users all the things you are currently doing.

There is a live public time line feature on Twitter that has all the latest tweets (it is a live feature so it has updates every second, simply refresh your screen to see more). Every member who tweets (posts a message) will have their tweets posted onto the public timeline (unless they have chosen to keep their tweets private) This is one way you will advertise your business, so post quality tweets, and as the length of each tweet you are allowed to post is only 140 characters, you have to keep it short as well as informative. Just get to the point quickly!

Remember that you can only see tweets that are allowed onto the public time line, if a twitter user has made their tweets private you will not be able to see them, only people that has followed them can see their messages (yet another good reason for following someone). Choose those who are in the same market as you to follow, and others will follow you based on the same criteria. You can send private messages (known as direct messages) to the people that follow you safe in the knowledge that no one else can read them, and keep them up to speed with developments that are of interest to you both.

You must not make the mistake of thinking that Twitter is just another of those web things that will disappear like all the rest and no one will even remember it in a few years time. All the evidence available suggests that twitter is defying everyone’s expectations and growing long after everyone thought it would slowly fade away. It may be growing at a slightly slower pace, but its still growing.

The marketing potential of this site simply cannot be overestimated. The option of meeting others who share your interests and sharing information and links is truly awesome in terms of what it can do for your business, and you take a terrible risk in delaying getting a twitter account. Twitter is a wonderful place to conduct a business, but you should get help with the finer aspects of managing your twitter account. There are services and software out there to help you do exactly that, but lets continue with what twitter can do for you.

Below is recap of just some of things you can do with a Twitter account.

1. Send direct messages to other users, which are private to them.
2. Send tweets from your cell phone, perfect for the busy twitterer!
3. Perform tweet searches so that you can find Twitter users that post about things you like.

Twitter is simply massive at the moment, and looks set to continue to be. The potential for a business owner is unbelievable, which is why so much Twitter automation software has been created.

About the Author: To get free downloads from me, access more information, find out more about me or get access to a free bonus worth $197 visit Email opt-in page To get more information on TWITTER MARKETING STRATEGIES visit TWITTER MARKETING STRATEGIES

Source: www.isnare.com

Thursday, January 12, 2017

How To Make Money With Twitter

Submitted by: Maria Wixman

Twitter can be fun and it can be profitable but it can also eat up a ton of your time. Put your Twitter marketing on steroids and watch your websites grow.

Twitter has become an amazingly popular form of social interaction and everyone, from politicians to professional athletes to movie stars to Bob’s corner deli is sharing their thoughts and promoting their ideas on this little bird buzz app. Obviously with this huge an audience there is an opportunity to promote your websites but if you do it manually it will take you all day every day to make it work worth while.

Enter a crop of automated Twitter software platforms whose only objectives are to get followers and follow relevant tweeters and do it with a minimum of effort. Countering those programs is the Twitter spam filter that identifies unhuman like activity and shuts down and bans the automated tweet users.

How to duck the Twitter radar

In February 2010 the first beta version of TweetAttacks appeared in the Warrior forum and was offered up free to some Twitter marketing veterans for evaluation. Initial response to the software was favorable and over the next two months even more features were added making this tool one of the finest automated Twitter marketing devices available.

And here’s the secret to the whole Magilla…it does not use the Twitter API.

Yes Twitter is not crazy about bots and will shut down accounts where they suspect they reside but it can only do that if the bots are using the API. TweetAttacks is web based and therefore avoids the little bird’s spam radar making it far safer to use for your websites.

Avoiding the bots

The second huge advantage of this software is its ability to filter out followers or users you want to follow that are likely bots or spammers. TweetAttacks will only allow users who have their photo and avoids tweeters that only tweet links. If f you think about it, no matter how sophisticated the rest of the system is, if your websites are not dealing with real human beings then all your efforts are for naught.

This single feature lends a lot of credibility to the designer’s claims about huge increases in CTRs and real traffic.

The Features

There simply are too many features to this platform to go into all of them in this quick review. However, listed below are some of the most effective and time saving functions that make this software different from others.

• For starters it is easy to use. The GUI is very intuitive and the PDF instructions are easy to comprehend and follow. If you have even half an idea of how Twitter works you’ll have no problem setting up and using this program.

• TweetAttacks uses keyword phrases to automatically follow users with who match an interest in those phrases.

• The system can follow the followers list of followers as well expanding the potential for targeted people following you back.

• Auto unfollow users who have not followed you back during a specified time frame.

• Do all of these actions in a random, natural looking way so as to not alert any moderators or raise spam issues.

• Generate thousands of tweets by scraping content off of your blog or websites.

• Import and assign proxy accounts to multiple Twitter accounts.

• The system comes with a spinner so you can generate thousands of response tweets automatically.

• Identifies super targeted tweets and automatically retweets.

• Easy to use campaign management tools that give you real information that will allow you to measure what works and what doesn’t.

The three features that make this platform a tool that you really want to consider having is the ability to identify real human beings who are Tweeting, the targeting of specific niches, the automation of both the tweet itself and the content of the tweet and of course doing it all without appearing to be an automated system.

Truthfully you have to dig really deep in some of the forums to find unbiased opinions about this product. If you simply Google TweetAttacks you’ll wind up with page after page of the typical “reviews” by affiliates who want to sell it to you. If there is anything to be concerned about it may be the lack of solid third party reviews.

That said, this software is priced reasonably and from what can be found, works as advertised. This could be the tool that really turns your websites into hyper traffic web pages. Buyer beware but then again, nothing ventured nothing gained.

About the Author: Maria Free Website Builder I have been in the online marketing industry for over two years and love all things related to e-marketing, writing for the web, SEO and SEM. I've been working for a large company that specializes in web design, and love how dynamic this field is - I am constantly learning new strategies and concepts as the world of online marketing evolves.

Source: www.isnare.com

Blogging Guru